Thursday, March 22, 2012

Treatment options for alopecia

Alopecia is a condition that manifests through hair loss from the body and head. Patterned loss of hair is called androgenic alopecia and it is generally referred to as baldness. This is a fairly common condition that affects men and women alike, although the popular belief is that men are more affected by baldness than women. The causes that can lead to alopecia are various and range from certain deficiencies, such as iron deficiency, and medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, to hormonal disturbances, stress or even hairstyling routines like tight braids and ponytails. Also very diverse are the alopecia treatment options and, even if you don't seek advise from a dermatologist and just simply conduct a search over the Internet, you will be able to find many websites that offer useful information, as well as hair loss solutions, such as As a general rule, hair fall occurs in patches and you need to react immediately in order to prevent it from progressing. If the early stages of hair loss are left untreated or the alopecia treatment doesn't generate any results, the condition can progress to complete baldness or, worse, complete hair loss on the entire body, which is very similar to chemotherapy effects. As mentioned, there are several hair loss solutions and treatments available, but in order to find the appropriate course of treatment for you, you must first identify the exact cause of the hair loss. One of the most common alopecia treatment is the one based on oral medication. There are several drugs and pills, some that you can even get without prescription, that are approved and recommended for treating certain types of hair loss. Moreover, some of them are only recommended to male patients and not women. However, oral medication is not one of the best hair loss solutions, because they can have many side effects, such as myopathy, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido or gynecomastia. Furthermore, it can take a really long time for the hair to regrow, sometimes even a year and it only happens in about 30-40% of the cases. An alternative to the oral medication is the use of corticosteroids. Results may appear sooner than on the case of pills, but you would have to inject cortisone into your scalp and more often than not, doctors also prescribe oral medication simultaneously. There are several surgical options available, such as hair transplant or scalp reduction,a s well as laser therapy, although the latter has proven quite limited. The hair transplant and scalp reduction are very painful hair loss solutions, not to mention quite expensive. Therefore, the best alopecia treatment one can opt for is the use of several creams, foams or solutions that you apply or rub into your scalp. You can find many such option online, like on for instance. And these solutions are not only beneficial for hair loss, but they can also help you maintain a healthy hair, making it grow stronger and thicker. It is definitely an option worth taking into consideration.

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